Silicon Valley Immersion Program
A Support Program for Startups Aiming to Enter the U.S. Market
NEDO offers a training program for entrepreneurs who are looking to make an international impact. Despite the increasing focus on entrepreneurship in Japan, there is still a lack of world-class entrepreneurs compared to those in the U.S. and Europe. This program launched in 2016 in order to draw from the established Silicon Valley ecosystem, where ambitious entrepreneurs from all corners of the globe collaborate and network. By connecting with this community, participants gain invaluable insight and opportunities to step into the spotlight on a global stage and launch successful, world-class businesses.
- 国内研修:約1週間、日本国内(首都圏)にて米国展開のための基礎知識を習得しビジネスモデルを確立。コミュニケーション手法を学びアメリカの投資家やビジネスパートナー候補とのアポ取りを行う。イベントに向けて準備をし、国内のピッチイベントに登壇する
- オンライン研修: 約3週間、オンライン会議ツールを活用し、講義の受講、課題提出、one-on-one課題フィードバックやメンタリングセッションを実施
- シリコンバレー研修:約1週間、講義の受講、企業訪問、投資家との面談、ビジネスエキスパートによるメンタリングを行ったあと、現地投資家、大企業、スタートアップなどの聴衆前でピッチを実施
The Program
The program is generally held over a month with a week of training in Japan, a few weeks online, and a week in Silicon Valley. Participants learn about the US market and business models, prepare and deliver pitches, work with mentors on business strategies, and present in front of investors at “Pitch Night” in Silicon Valley
Day 1
・Introduction to the Program and the Team
・Review of the Agenda and Assignments
・Lecture: The Global Entrepreneur Mindset
・Lecture: How to Pitch to the Silicon Valley
・Initial Practice Pitch
・Lecture & Discussion: Business Model Localization
Day 2
・Lecture: Talking to Investors -Their Mindset
・A Model Pitch
・Market Entry Strategy
・Personal Branding & Networking
・Knowledge Share Among the Startup Participants
・Coaching / Mentoring Sessions
Day 3
・Lecture: Pitching to Investors and VCs
・Communications and Etiquette
・Coaching / Mentoring Sessions
・Pitch brush up (one-one-ones)
・Workshop: Networking in a Fast-Paced Environment
Day 4
・Tips on Approaching People / Arranging Meetings
・How to Collaborate with Corporations
・Office Hours and Pitch Practice
・US Market Update and Working with VCs
・Office Hours and Pitch Practice
Day 5
・Fireside Chat with Global Startups
・Fireside Chat with Global Investors
・Pitch Event
Week 1
・Lecture: Introduction to resources
・Assignment: List People / Companies You Want to Meet
・One-on-one: US Market Entry Strategy
Week 2
・Lecture: Branding
・Assignment: 30 second pitch / elevator pitch
・One-on-one: Pitch feedback
Week 3
・Lecture: Design and Aesthetics
・Assignment: Improve Slides based on Design Elements and Theories
・Pitch brush up (one-one-ones)
Day 1
・Lecture: Setting Up Shop in the US
・Coaching / Mentoring Sessions
・Customer Development
・Lecture: Global Ready Strategy
Day 2
・Coaching / Mentoring Sessions
・Lecture: How to Raise Capital in Silicon Valley
・Lecture & Workshop: Growth Story
Day 3
・Company Visit
・VC Luncheon
・Coaching / Mentoring sessions
・Lecture & Workshop: Starting as a International Startup
Day 4
・Lecture & Workshop: Growth Strategy
・Lecture: Generating Your First International Sale
・Lecture: Effective Business Development Strategy
・Investor Relationships
・Pitch Revisions and Feedback
・Pitch Night
Day 5
・Coaching / Mentoring sessions
・University Lab Visit
In order to be considered for NEDO's training programs in Japan and Silicon Valley, applicants must be:
utilizing technology in the fields of: environment, energy, electronics, information communications, IoT, biotechnology, healthcare, medical devices, mechanical systems, aerospace, robotics, materials, nanotechnology, etc.
pursuing a technology venture with aspirations to expand their business nationally or internationally
proficient enough in English to create presentations and effectively communicate in English (preliminary interview will be held by lecturers and representatives of NEDO in English)
available to attend all days of the training
clean of any record of antisocial activity and free from any association with parties involved in illegal activities
*When the number of applications received exceed the predetermined capacity, screening will take place. Those with the most promising pre-interview results will be selected.

次回開催予定: 2025年夏~2025年秋
お問い合わせはトップページのContact Informationからお願い致します。
- 環境・エネルギー、電子・情報通信、IoT、バイオ・ヘルスケア、医療機器、機械システム、航空宇宙、ロボット、材料・ナノテクノロジー等の「技術」を活用するスタートアップ企業
- 米国においてもしくはグローバルに事業展開を目指している技術系スタートアップ企業であること